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Download the Summer School Programme

The AtD Project

The After the Damages project offers a two-week high-level training/practice course, and the first edition is scheduled as a Summer school from 01 to 15 July with operational headquarters in Ferrara, addressing the participation of public administrations managers, competent government agencies representatives, international organizations, researchers and specialists in the fields of architecture, engineering, and earth science, to comprehend the dynamics and the negative impacts of anthropized and natural hazards (earthquakes, fires, floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions, etc.), learn the more updated approaches dealing with the post-disaster phase, so as to acquire the most effective tools to cope with potential international crisis scenarios and mitigate the social impact of vulnerabilities also through risk reduction.

Built and Cultural Heritage

The course aims to train a wide range of technical and managerial skills supporting the upgrading of experts in the management and prevention of risks related to the effects of environmental and human disasters on the existing built heritage and Cultural Heritage.

Among the main topics of the Couse:

– Risk analysis, risk mitigation, risk management;

– Resilience, governance, socio-economic issues;

– Survey, data modeling, monitoring, integrated diagnostic survey;

– Digitization of complex systems and Building Information Modeling;

– Restoration and seismic improvement.

Training Activities

The course is developed through distance learning method.

In the two weeks between 1 and 15 July, the educational activities will be divided into 104 hours. Lectures will take turns with workshops and seminars, and virtual visits as follows:

– lectures | 40 hours;

– virtual tours and thematic visits on selected case studies | 20 hours;

– seminar/workshop activities | 20 hours;

– individual work aimed at the final workshop | 24 hours.

Lectures and teaching material will be provided in English.


At the end of the two-week Summer School, a final Conference will be held, including design simulations and discussion of the strategies adopted by participants, on the topics covered by the course.

The design simulation will be focused on a proposal (paper or project) of intervention solutions for the management and mitigation of risk, selecting a specific area (in participants countries or in Italian contexts), and may include integrated interdisciplinary aspects consistent with the holistic approach proposed in the teaching activities.


The Summer School “After the damages” addresses the participation of public administration managers, government agencies, international organizations, researchers, specialists and professionals according to an interdisciplinary view, including tangible and intangible significances, Cultural Heritage, governance, and social aspects.

The main goal is to share the most updated approaches dealing with the post-disaster management, training participants on the most effective tools addressing potential international crisis scenarios and mitigate the social impact of vulnerabilities through risk reduction.

The skills acquired in the Summer School can be applied in public administrations, institutes and national and international agencies in the field of prevention and management of risks related to environmental and anthropic events on the built environment, as well as in engineering and architectural design firms, both nationally and internationally.

Don’t miss the upcoming Summer Class